French group of companies MONNET-SEVE-SOUGY relies on URBAS Energietechnik.
The company is building a state-of-the-art 5.5 MW biomass boiler plant in the Sougy sawmill to supply the factory facility with heat. The contract for implementing this project went to URBAS Energietechnik.
This is their second power plant for MONNET-SEVE-SOUGY group.
URBAS Energietechnik installed a biomass cogeneration plant (20.7 t/h; 4 MWel) in the ABC St. Paul de Jarrat factory years ago. It has been reliably supplying that factory with power and energy since.el), welche das dortige Werk seit Jahren verlässlich mit Strom und Wärme versorgt.
This new contract confirms the client’s satisfaction with URBAS technology and serves as proof for the successful partnership between the two companies.